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DEUTERONOMY — 25:15 just

DEUT1462 The Rabbis taught: Whence is it derived that grain is not struck where it is the practice to heap it, and that is not heaped where it is the practice to strike it? From: "a whole measure." And whence is it derived that if one said, in a place where it is generally heaped: I shall strike it and deduct from the price; or in a place where it is generally stricken: I shall heap it and add to the price -- whence is it derived that he is not heeded? From: "a whole and just measure shall there be unto you" (Bava Bathra 89b)


DEUTERONOMY — 25:15 whole

DEUT1465 The Rabbis taught: Whence is it derived that one should not be precise [in weighing] in a place where an "extra" is generally given [to the customer], and that one should not give an "extra" in a place where it is customary to be precise? From: "a whole stone." And whence is it derived that if one said, in a place where it is customary to give an extra: I shall be precise, and deduct [the amount of the "extra"] from the price; or, in a place where it is customary to be precise: I shall give him an "extra" and add something to the price -- whence is it derived that he is not heeded? From: "A whole and just stone" (Bava Bathra 89b)


DEUTERONOMY — 25:16 dishonestly

DEUT1467 With regard to [weights and] measures … they are explicitly referred to [this verse]: "For anyone who does these things [false weights and measurements - AJL] , it is an abomination [before] the Eternal, your God"; and the Sages of blessed memory have said (Bava Basra 88b): "The punishment for [false - AJL] measurements is [even] more severe than the punishment for promiscuity.… "And they have said (ibid. 88a): "A wholesaler cleans his scales every thirty days." Why is this so? So that the scales do not lose their accuracy through inattention – and [in doing so] he avoids punishment.


DEUTERONOMY — 25:16 dishonestly

DEUT1466 There are various rulings on non-Jews in the Talmud, including some that are discriminatory. However, even among the most hostile rabbinic figures, we find certain standards of behavior that are binding upon all Jews: It is always forbidden to steal from or deceive anyone, even an idolater (Bava Kamma 113b, Chullin 94a). [A Jew who acts dishonestly is regarded as "abhorrent to the Lord your God" [this verse]. For example, a merchant who knows of a flaw in his merchandise must inform the would-be purchaser--Jew or non-Jew--of it (see Maimonides, "Laws of Sales" 18:1). Indeed, the Rabbis teach that "stealing from a non-Jew is worse than stealing from a Jew because of the profanation of God's name" (Tosefta Bava Kamma 10:15). When a Jew is found to have acted dishonestly toward another Jew, he brings contempt upon himself. But when a Jew acts dishonestly toward a non-Jew, he runs the risk of causing others to view Jews and Judaism with contempt; this makes such behavior even more reprehensible.


DEUTERONOMY — 25:16 fraudulently

DEUT1468 (Continued from [[LEV988]] Leviticus 25:17 abuse PATH 60-1). Our Sages of blessed memory have said (Chullin 94a) that it is prohibited to deceive even a non-Jew, and it has already been stated explicitly in Scripture (Tzefanyah 3:13): "The remnant of Israel should do no iniquity, nor speak falsely, nor should there be found in their mouths a deceiving tongue." And they also said "One must not beautify old utensils to make them appear new" (Bava Metzia 60a-b), [and:] "One may not mix grain [from one field] with grain [from another field] even if all of it is fresh… [One may not mix fresh grain with older grain] even if its value [the fresh grain] is a dinar for every se'ah and even though it [the older grain] is a greater value [being valued] at a dinar and a tarsis, nevertheless one may not mix them and sell them [even] at [the lower price of] a dinar for every se'ah" (based on the Tosefta Bava Metzia 3:15). "For all who do these things… all who act fraudulently" [this verse] "are designated by five descriptions: iniquitous, hated, abominable, excommunicated, despicable (Sifrei Ki-Setze 165).


DEUTERONOMY — 25:16 these

DEUT1469 R. Levi said: More severe is the punishment for [dishonest] measures than that for illicit relations, it being written of the latter (Leviticus 18:27): ["all] these (ha'el) [abominations"], whereas of the former it is written: "ha'eleh" [this connoting greater stringency than the other]. But in respect to illicit relations it is also written "ha'eleh" [(Ibid. 29): "for all who do these (ha'eleh) abominations shall be cut off"]! That is to exclude [transgressions in the area of false weights and] measures from kareth [cutting-off]. And why are these [illicit relations] less severe? These lend themselves to repentance; the others, do not (Bava Bathra 88b)


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