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DEUTERONOMY | 25:16 fraudulently — DEUT1468 (Continued from [[LEV988]] Leviticus 25:...

DEUT1468 (Continued from [[LEV988]] Leviticus 25:17 abuse PATH 60-1). Our Sages of blessed memory have said (Chullin 94a) that it is prohibited to deceive even a non-Jew, and it has already been stated explicitly in Scripture (Tzefanyah 3:13): "The remnant of Israel should do no iniquity, nor speak falsely, nor should there be found in their mouths a deceiving tongue." And they also said "One must not beautify old utensils to make them appear new" (Bava Metzia 60a-b), [and:] "One may not mix grain [from one field] with grain [from another field] even if all of it is fresh… [One may not mix fresh grain with older grain] even if its value [the fresh grain] is a dinar for every se'ah and even though it [the older grain] is a greater value [being valued] at a dinar and a tarsis, nevertheless one may not mix them and sell them [even] at [the lower price of] a dinar for every se'ah" (based on the Tosefta Bava Metzia 3:15). "For all who do these things… all who act fraudulently" [this verse] "are designated by five descriptions: iniquitous, hated, abominable, excommunicated, despicable (Sifrei Ki-Setze 165).


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