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EXODUS — 15:17 hands

EXOD223 Bar Kappara expounded: Greater is the "Creation" of the righteous [i.e., what is created by them] than the creation of heaven and earth. For in respect to the latter it is written (Isaiah 48:13): "My hand [singular], too, has founded the earth," whereas in relation to the "creation" of the righteous [i.e., the sanctuary] it is written: "the sanctuary, O Lord, which Your hands [plural] have established" (Kethuvoth 5a)


EXODUS — 16:28 refuse

EXOD257 Rebbi was sitting and expounding, when he smelled the smell of garlic; whereupon he said: "Whoever ate garlic, let him leave." R. Chiyya stood up and he left -- at which they all stood up and left! And where did R. Chiyya learn this [i.e., that this was the proper response (though he himself had not eaten the garlic)]? From: "Till when will you [i.e., all of the Jews] refuse ..." [The blame is being relegated to all of the Jews to save individual offenders from embarrassment] (Sanhedrin 11a]


EXODUS — 18:7 bowed

EXOD280 I would not know who bowed down to whom, and who kissed whom, if not for the fact that it is written: "And a man inquired of the other's well-being." Who is called "a man"? Moses, as it is written (Numbers 12:3): "And the man, Moses, was exceedingly humble" -- whence it is seen that it was Moses, who bowed down to and kissed his father-in-law. From here is derived that one must be solicitous of the honor of his father-in-law (Mechilta).


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