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DEUTERONOMY — 14:21 eat

DEUT678 (Continued from [[DEUT1111]] Deuteronomy 22:3 indifferent LEHRMAN 67) Wherever we look at Jewish law, we see that ethics and religion are indissolubly linked. Take the command in [this verse]: "You shall not eat anything that died of itself (nevelah); for thou art a people holy unto the Lord." The characteristic Midrashic comment (Sifre Deut., §104 (95a) is: ["Sanctify yourself even in that which is permitted to you: things permitted to you but forbidden to others, do not regard as permissible in their presence"]. In which other Codes will we find such tender consideration for the feelings of others? And all this in the midst of an Halachah or Nevelah! (Continued at [[DEUT1332]] Deuteronomy 24:4 may not LEHRMAN 67)


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