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DEUTERONOMY — 6:13 fear

DEUT284 It is a positive commandment to fear Hashem as Scripture states, You shall fear Hashem your God [this verse]. The way toward reverent fear of Him is like the way to love for Him, as outlined [See Deuteronomy 6:5 love CCCBM 15]. When a sin comes to one's hand, he is duty-bound to arouse his spirit [to know] that the holy One, Blessed is He, watches every action of human beings. This is among the commandments that a person is obligated to observe at every occasion, constantly. And reverent fear includes the requirement not to pronounce the name of Heaven [God] in vain, purposelessly.


DEUTERONOMY — 6:13 fear

DEUT285 Our Sages, z"l, have explained the nature of an epikoros (Sanhedrin 99b) as one who does not conduct himself out of a reference for Torah scholars, even if he does not belittle them, such as one who belittles another in the presence of a Torah scholar, without showing respect for the scholar's Torah. [He would not act in such a pompous manner before an important official.] Since he does not sufficiently venerate the Torah to treat it in a respectful manner, he has no share in the World to Come--for this too is counted as one who has desecrated the Torah. Consequently, our Sages, z"l, (Pesachim 22b), "You shall fear Hashem, your God' [this verse] -- this includes Torah scholars."


DEUTERONOMY — 6:13 fear

DEUT283 In addition to all this, one who speaks or listens to lashon hara also transgresses the commandment of אֶת־יְהוָ֧ה אֱלֹהֶ֛יךָ תִּירָ֖א, “You shall fear Hashem, your G-d” (Devarim 6:13), which requires us to fear Hashem all our lives. If a person is in a position to sin, this mitzvos requires him to remind himself at that moment that Hashem is aware of a person’s every action and will punish him in accordance to the severity of the offense. This realization will prevent a person from contravening the will of Hashem. Therefore, one who allows himself to commit this severe sin of lashon hara and rechilus definitely transgressive this commandment.


DEUTERONOMY — 6:13 serve

DEUT289 It is a positive precept to pray every day to the Blessed God for Scripture says, and Him shall you serve [this verse]; and through the Oral Tradition our Sages of blessed memory learned (Talmud Bavli, Ta'anith 2a) that this service means prayer. For Scripture states, and to serve Him with all your heart (D'varim 11:13). What service is with the heart? -- prayer. The commandment is that a person should relate the praises of the Holy One, Blessed is He; after that he should ask his needs; and after that he has to give praise and thanks to the Blessed God. It is necessary to pray with the focused attention of the heart; one should turn his heart away from every thought, and he should see himself as though standing before the shechinah. He should not produce his prayer like someone who is carrying a burden and throws it down and goes his way. Neither should he pray with a troubled and disturbed mind.


DEUTERONOMY — 6:14 upright

DEUT290 (Continued from [[EXOD300]] Exodus 18:20 words SPERO 168-9). Another passage associated with a broad moral imperative reaching into lifnim mi-shurat ha-din is the command, [this verse]. Yet another source is the verse, "In order that you may walk in the path of the goodly" (Proverbs 2:20). Regardless of how we interpret these passages, their character remains that of imperatives rooted in the Torah.


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