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NUMBERS — 10:33 days

NUM70 Andy Warhol shrewdly commented that all of us are entitled to fifteen minutes of fame. Yet a brief, questionable notoriety is surely not what our tradition had in mind. Judaism emphasizes the lasting durability of a shem tov, opposing the fickle judgment of a bread-and-circus-loving public. "R. Simeon b. Yohai said: More beloved is a good name then the Ark of the Covenant, because the ark went before the Israelites for only a distance of three days [this verse], while a good name goes from one end of the world to the other" (Eccles. R. 7.1, 3). Jews think in terms of lifetimes. Thus a midrash explains Ecclesiastes's puzzling statement: "The date of death is better than the day of birth" (Eccles. 7:1). "R. Pinhas said: When a person is born, all rejoice; when he dies, all weep. It should not be so. But when a person is born there should be no rejoicing over him, because it is not known whether by his actions he will be righteous or wicked, good or bad. However, when he dies, there is cause for rejoicing if he departs with a good name and leaves the world in peace. It is as if there were two ocean-going ships, one leaving the harbor and the other entering it. As the one sailed out of the harbor, all rejoiced, but none displayed any joy over the one that was entering. A shrewd man was there and he said to the people, 'There is no cause to rejoice over a ship that is leaving the harbor, because nobody knows what will be its plight.… but when it returns to the harbor all have reason to rejoice, since it has come in safely'" (Eccles. R. 7.1,4).


NUMBERS — 10:36 thousands

NUM71 R. Dostai expounded: And when it rested, he said"" -- This teaches us that the Shechinah does not rest upon fewer than two thousand and two ten thousands of Israel. So that if Israel were two thousand and two ten thousands less one, and there were a pregnant woman among them, who could complete the number, and a dog barked at her and caused her to miscarry -- it would emerge that this one [the owner of the dog] had caused the Shechinah to depart from Israel -- whence it was ruled: One may not keep a dog unless it is chained (Bava Kamma 83b)


NUMBERS — 10:36 thousands

NUM72 The Rabbis taught: And when it rested, he said: Return, O Lord, -- to the ten thousands thousands of Israel"-- This teaches us that the Shechinah does not rest upon fewer than two thousand and two ten thousands of Israel. So that if Israel were two thousand and two ten thousands less one, it would emerge that one who did not fulfill the command to be fruitful and multiply caused the Shechinah to depart from Israel (Yevamoth 64a)


NUMBERS — 11:4 craving

NUM74 The Israelites in the wilderness received mon (manna) every day, by Heaven's grace. Its natural flavor was exquisite; and according to the Sages, whatever taste a person wanted to savor, he found it in the food. Nevertheless, a whole group set up a clamor for meat. Was this not pure lust, unwarranted, excessive craving?… The result was disaster (Numbers 11:4-9, 33. The tradition of the Sages is found in Tosefta, Sotah iv 3 (standard editions and MS Vienna); T.B. Yoma 75a; Midrash Sifre, Numbers §89; Tanhuma ed. Buber, B'ha'loth'cha 27; Rabbah, Exodus xxv 3.)


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