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LEVITICUS — 20:17 disgrace

LEV846 … while Abraham possessed kindness, Lot misused the quality of kindness and offered the people of Sodom the opportunity to rape his daughter (Gen. 19:8). Too much kindness can also result in an abomination, especially in the area of sexuality. Thus, one of the forbidden sexual relationships is called an abomination in the Torah, using the same word chesed, kindness, to express this abomination [this verse]. By using the same word for both kindness and abomination, the Torah is indicating that too much kindness, especially in the area of sexuality, can become an abomination.


LEVITICUS — 20:18 bared

LEV847 Ulla said: Whence is it derived that peripheral [non-consummated] intercourse ["he'arah"] is forbidden by Scripture? It is written: "And a man who lies…he has bared her fountain." From here it is derived that peripheral intercourse is forbidden by the Torah [it being referred to as "lying," the convention term for intercourse] (Yevamoth 54a)


LEVITICUS — 20:18 infirmity

LEV849 The Torah includes rules that forbid conjugal relations during a woman's menstrual period (Leviticus 15:19-24, 18:19, 20:18). The Torah gives no rationale for these rules apart from saying that they are part of the way in which the people Israel become holy--that is, separated from other peoples and in league with God. While the Torah requires sexual abstinence for seven days, the Rabbis added another five, and so couples who follow these laws do not have conjugal relations for twelve days out of every menstrual month. The woman must immerse herself naked in undrawn waters, which in practice has meant either in a natural body of water or, more commonly, in a mikveh--that is, a pool specially constructed to fulfill the legal requirements.


LEVITICUS — 20:23 customs

LEV851 Do not follow the customs of non-Jews. For example, do not behave like them in their way of dress or follow their styles. Do not seek out their forms of entertainment, such as circuses, theater performances and any type of frivolous gatherings where idols are worshipped or men and women immodestly mix. Similarly, do not cut your hair bloris--to shave the sides of your head and leave the hair in the middle.


LEVITICUS — 20:23 walk

LEV853 [Pride] is manifest in one's eyes as it is written (Tehillim 6:17): "Haughty eyes." It is manifest in one's ears by not paying heed to the words of the poor, unfortunate ones. It is manifest in one's nose if, when standing near the poor or upon entering their houses, they smell offensive to him. And it is even in his speech, when he speaks imprudently and with pride against the righteous. Pride can also be manifested in eating and drinking and in clothing oneself ostentatiously in gentile apparel. We have been exhorted against this in the Torah of Moshe, as it is written [this verse]: "And do not walk in the ways of the nations," and (ibid. 18:3): "Do not walk in their ways," and (Devarim 12:30): "Take heed lest you be ensnared after them." The point is the same in all of these instances: Israel is exhorted to stay separate from the nations and its apparel, its speech, and all of its customs, as it is written (Vayikra 20:26): "For I have set you apart from the peoples." The proud are despicable in the eyes of Hashem, as it is written (Mishlei 16:5): "The abomination of Hashem are all who are proud of heart." And the proud man is given into the hands of his evil inclination; he does not receive Divine assistance since he is the abomination of Hashem. And though he does not elevate himself above any man in speech or in deed, but only in his heart, he is still called in "abomination," as it is written: "The abomination of Hashem are all who are proud of heart"--though his pride exists in his heart alone, he is still called an "abomination."


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