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LEVITICUS — 19:26 blood

LEV747 It is a negative commandment not to eat the kind of food eaten by a wayward and rebellious son for it as stated, You shall not eat over blood [this verse], which is understood to mean, "You are not to eat the kind of meal that leads to bloodshed"--and that is the food eaten by a wayward and rebellious son. This verse of Scripture is also an injunction not to eat [any flesh] of an animal before its life expires. It is also an injunction not to take any food before we pray.


LEVITICUS — 19:26 conjure

LEV748 It is a negative commandment to do no conjuring or soothsaying as Scripture says, nor shall you conjure [this verse]. This refers, for example, to those who give seasons and times, saying "That certain period or this certain month is good (auspicious) to do this," or the opposite [that it is not good]. Whoever does any action by the word of astrologers like these, violates this rule. So too if someone create illusions and makes it appear before the onlookers that he is performing an amazing deed when in truth he is doing nothing, he likewise violates this rule, since it is included under the term me'onen, conjurer.


LEVITICUS — 19:26 eat

LEV749 Do not eat and drink as a low-life. Generally speaking, most of a person's sins stem from overindulgence in food and drink. [Such is written explicitly (Devarim 32:15),וַיִּשְׁמַ֤ן יְשֻׁרוּן֙ וַיִּבְעָ֔ט שָׁמַ֖נְתָּ עָבִ֣יתָ כָּשִׂ֑יתָ וַיִּטֹּשׁ֙ אֱלֹ֣והַ עָשָׂ֔הוּ--But Yeshurun waxed fat and kicked; you became fat, thick--and forsook God Who made him.” Similarly, our Sages teach (Berachos 32a), מלי כרסיה זינא בישא--Having filled his stomach, a man will come to do wretched deeds”]. The reason is that food is עיסת החומר—“yeast (an ingredient that causes ‘rising’) of the physical.” By contrast, reflection upon wisdom, fear of Heaven and Hashem's precious commandments is “yeast” of the soul. Man's body and soul are diametrical opposites, so that at a time when one's body is “rising” because of its “yeast,” one’s soul is weakened to a certain extent. For this reason, there were Sages who did not partake of food more than what was necessary to sustain their souls. For our benefit and with this idea in mind, the Torah forbids us to overindulge in food and drink, for such excesses cause an “uprising” of the body to the point where the soul is virtually crushed and destroyed. Why is the Torah’s warning about this excess addressed specifically to an adolescent [the laws of the “rebellious son” apply only during the first three months after a boy’s bar mitzvah]? Is because just then his desires peak and he becomes obligated to take precautions for the sake of this soul. From a law that applies to but three months of adolescence, he must learn an ethical lesson that is critically important for as long as he lives.


LEVITICUS — 19:26 soothsaying

LEV750 "You must not practice divination nor soothsaying" [this verse]. ["You must not practice divination" – such as those who divine through weasels and birds. [Another example:] his bread fell from his mouth or a deer crossed his path, which [the diviner] then says is an omen that he will not be successful along his way, thereby causing him to turn away from it. Likewise, one should not turn to diviners, whether to do a certain deed or to refrain from doing one. "Nor soothsaying"--this derives from the root of the word referring to time periods and hours ["onah" is related to the word "t'onaynu.], whereby one says, "Today is an auspicious day for starting to work; this hour is inauspicious for going out." You should also not listen to what the astrologers have to say; rather, you must have faith in Hashem, the God of heaven and the God of earth. Therefore, the pasuk states regarding this (Devarim 18:13), "You shall be whole with Hashem"; [I.e., after the previous verses prohibit divination and soothsaying (Devarim 18:10), the pasuk says in contrast that one should have whole faith in Hashem.] this implies that diviners and soothsayers are wanting in their faith in Hashem. These immoral activities are "deeds of the Land of Canaan," as the pasuk continues (ibid. 14), "For these nations which you are taking over, listen to soothsayers and sorcerers. As for you, however, Hashem, your God, has not allowed you [to do] so."


LEVITICUS — 19:26 superstition

LEV751 Do not heed superstition. Included in the prohibition is belief in all “bad omens” and superstition. Such beliefs are utter nonsense. For the Jewish nation--recipients of the Torah of Truth--it is inappropriate to lend any credence to any falsehood. In addition, matters such as these can undermine a person's belief in Hashem and His Holy Torah. Lending credence to superstition can lead to heresy and denial of the Torah, for one behaves as if things that happened to him, good or bad, are chance occurrences that have independent power over him, as if Hashem is not watching and is not in control. In effect, therefore, lending credence to superstition can cause a person to forget the most basic tenant of the Jewish faith. Since Hashem wants good for us, He commands us to clear our minds of such nonsense and establish in our hearts that all that happens to us is from Him, according to our deeds, and omens have no power over us whatsoever, positive or negative.


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