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DEUTERONOMY | 7:10 enemies — DEUT344 (Continued from [[GEN957]] Genesis 18:17 ...

DEUT344 (Continued from [[GEN957]] Genesis 18:17 hide TZADIK 67). A superabundance of wisdom and wealth in this world falls into one of three categories: (1) good from the Holy One Blessed be He, (2) as a trial, and (3) as revenge. The sign of good: If the wealthy man injures no man through his wealth and the wise man does not utilize his wisdom to harm another, but instead the first through his wealth and the second through his wisdom add to the service of the Holy One Blessed be He then that wealth and that wisdom are truly a gift from the Holy One Blessed be He. The sign of trial: if the wealthy man is always preoccupied with guarding his money, and is afraid of some mischance whereby he might lose it, and never derives enjoyment commensurate with his wealth through its proper utilization – but he does not injure anyone through his wealth nor boast about his riches, but is constantly preoccupied with the acquisition of wealth and concerned over its safekeeping, and does not do good to any man nor take pity on the poor to feed or clothe them. Similarly, the wise man, if he devotes most of his wisdom to the demands of this world, to correct his own affairs, being wise neither for evil or for good-– his superabundance, too, is certainly in the category of trial. The sign of revenge: If the wealthy man injures others through his wealth, and boasts about it, and does not perform charity with it, and is constantly preoccupied with it for his own pleasure, as in Yeshayahu 22:13: "Joy and gladness, the killing of oxen and the slaughtering of sheep," and (ibid.5:12): "And the lyre and the lute, the tambourine and the pipe, and the wine of their feasts but they do not regard the deeds of Hashem" – – and he does not fulfill thereby Hashem's charge, (Koheles 5:12): "Wealth guarded by its owner to his detriment." And it is the same with the wise man, if he is clever in the doing of evil and does not do good, as it is written (Yirmeyahu 4:22): "They are wise to do evil and do not know how to do good," then his wisdom as a stumbling block to him. Therefore, the wise man will act with his wealth and his good judgment in accordance with the abundance of his wealth and his wisdom. He will increase humility and lowliness, he will not grow haughty, and he will always worry that his wealth might be his [sole] reward and that he is one of those about whom it is written [this verse]: "And he pays His enemies to their faces [in this world] in order to destroy them [in the next]." And the wise man must also worry that he might be one of those about whom it is written (Yirmeyahu 4:22): "They are wise to do evil and do not know how to do good." For every man must employ wisdom and thought to attain good deeds to the ultimate extent of his wisdom.


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)67-9
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