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DEUTERONOMY | 7:10 destroy — DEUT343 (Continued from [[DEUT339]] Deuteronomy 7...

DEUT343 (Continued from [[DEUT339]] Deuteronomy 7:9 faithful TZADIK 405). If a righteous man commits a minor transgression, He exacts recompense in this world. And this is clear: It is much better for the righteous man to be judged even with afflictions like Iyov all of his days – in his body, a lowly thing, in this world in which has such a short time to live – – so that goodly reward may be given to his soul, which is majestic, in the World-to-Come, to attain to the highest plane in the celestial world for all enduring time, which never ceases. This is much better for the righteous man then if he were whole and retribution were not exacted for his sins in this world, and he would be judged in the next world with the afflictions of Gehinnom, or if, because of his sin, his soul would be diminished in its exaltation in the world of the souls and its cleaving to the Celestial Radiance, which is without assessment or parallel. And the wicked are given their reward with slight, terminal pleasure, and a brief world – this world – and their sin is preserved for the long world and for the great, unparalleled affliction of Gehinnom. And it is explicitly written [this verse]: "And He pays His master to his face to destroy him." That is, the Holy One Blessed be He rewards the wicked man for his merits in this world in order to destroy him for the World-to-Come.


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)407
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