243 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-NUM NUMBERS | 5:10 him — NUM17 R. Nachman b. Yitzchak said: Whoever has te... NUM17 R. Nachman b. Yitzchak said: Whoever has terumoth and ma'asroth [tithes] and gives them to the priest is destined to grow rich, as it is written: "A man [midrashically: 'who'] gives to the priest, to him [the giver] shall it be" (Berachoth 63a) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-NUMVerse5:10Keyword(s)himSource Page(s)17 Switch article NUMBERS | 5:7 confess — NUM12 If a man transgresses any of the mitzvos in... Previous Article NUMBERS | 5:10 holy — NUM18 This versus intimates that in the end nothi... Next Article