226 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Numbers, Naso (Numbers 4:21–7:89), Source Book Keys, TZADIK NUMBERS | 5:7 confess — NUM12 If a man transgresses any of the mitzvos in... NUM12 If a man transgresses any of the mitzvos in the Torah, whether positive ones or negative ones, whether intentionally or unwittingly--when he repents and turns away from his sin, he must confess before the Blessed God, as it is written [this and previous verse]. This refers to verbal confession. ... one who injures his friend or damages his property, even though he compensates him, receives no atonement until he confesses and abandons such conduct forever. How does one confess? He says: "I supplicate You, O Hashem: I have sinned, transgressed, and offended before You, and I have done this-and-this. And now I regret, and am ashamed of my deeds, and will never revert to them again." This is the essence of confession. All who confess frequently and at length are to be commended. Share Print Source KeyTZADIKVerse5:7Keyword(s)confessSource Page(s)561-3 Switch article NUMBERS | 5:7 confess — NUM15 Painful and embarrassing as it might be, we... Previous Article NUMBERS | 5:10 him — NUM17 R. Nachman b. Yitzchak said: Whoever has te... Next Article