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LEVITICUS | 25:17 abuse — LEV988 Take a look at the matter of fraud and obs...

LEV988 Take a look at the matter of fraud and observe how easy it is for a person to be enticed and to succumb to it. For while it may appear worthwhile to a person to make his goods appear more attractive to people, and to profit by the labor of his own hands, [and] to be persuasive when speaking to the buyer, and [to justify] these practices by saying: "A vigorous person profits" (Pesachim 50b), "And the hand of the diligent prospers" (Mishlei 10:4), [He would be wise] to assess his conduct carefully and frequently, for otherwise, "In the place of wheat will grow brier" (Iyov 31:40). He will violate and succumb to the transgression of fraud that the Torah has forbidden us [this verse]: "And no man may abuse his fellowman." (Continued at. [[DEUT468]] Deuteronomy 25:16 fraudulently PATH 61)


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