162 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Behar (Leviticus 25:1-26:2), Source Book Keys, GATES LEVITICUS | 25:17 abuse — LEV989 The second category [of those who speak la... LEV989 The second category [of those who speak lashon hara] -- one who speaks lashon hara, but keeps away from falsehood. Our Sages were referring to this when they said "the class of those who speak lashon hara"--[they will not merit to behold the Divine presence,] even though they are not counted among the class of liars (Unlike a previous category, which belongs to the class of liars as well (see paragraph 211). If one recalls to a person, just among themselves, the evil deeds of that person's forebears, he transgresses what the Torah states [this verse], "You shall not abuse your fellowman" -- this pasuk is referring to verbal abuse, as we have previously explained (see paragraphs 24 and 49). The pasuk also says (Yechezkel 18:20), "A son shall not bear the iniquity of his father." But if he embarrasses him for the deeds of his forebears in the presence of other people, about this our Sages said (Bava Metzia 58b) that one who embarrasses another in public joins those who descend to Gehinnom and do not [ever] ascend. If he relates and makes known the abominations of that person's forbears in the presence of others, but not in that person's presence, with the intent of tarnishing his reputation and belittling him before his compatriots, concerning this they said (Sotah 42a) that the class that speaks lashon hara will not receive the Divine presence. The same applies to one who relates the former sins of a repentant to others. Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse25:17Keyword(s)abuseSource Page(s)413-5 Switch article LEVITICUS | 25:17 abuse — LEV987 See [[LEV23]] Leviticus 2:6 break GATES 42... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 25:17 abuse — LEV988 Take a look at the matter of fraud and obs... Next Article