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LEVITICUS | 19:18 vengeance — LEV720 Occasionally, by refraining from doing a f...

LEV720 Occasionally, by refraining from doing a favor, one transgresses the negative commandment of "You shall not take vengeance." For instance, he had previously asked a favor of someone, either a loan of money or the like, and the other person had failed to help him. Now that other person comes to him for a favor and he gains his revenge, repaying that person by refusing to help. In this case, by refraining from doing a favor, the person transgresses the commandment [this verse], "You shall not take vengeance." If, through his hatred of that person, he spreads the report in the city that the other person is not reliable, thereby discouraging others from granting the loan that person requires, he transgresses all the more. In addition to violating the two prohibitions against taking revenge and bearing a grudge, he transgresses the commandment forbidding slander (leshon hara'), since here he attacks the person's very life.… Furthermore, even if he had helped that other person, but rebuked him by saying: "I am not like you; you did not help me," he violates the prohibition [this verse]: "You shall bear no grudge," since he has shown here that he still harbors the hate in his heart. He should erase his ill–feeling and lend with a perfect heart, reflecting that all the affairs of this world are vain and worthless, not important enough to arouse the desire for revenge and grudges. [Continued at [[LEV473]] Leviticus 19:16 idly AHAVCH 28].


Source KeyAHAVCH
Source Page(s)27-8
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