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LEVITICUS | 19:18 thyself — LEV715 The Torah, indeed, draws the implication o...

LEV715 The Torah, indeed, draws the implication of the teaching that all men are created in the image of God. False and irrelevant distinctions must not be introduced to disqualify human beings from their right to justice. For if man is made in the image God, if he is the creation God, then every human being is included and the entire significance of the one man is extended to embrace every man. Said Rabbi Akiva, "Beloved is man, for he was created in the image [of God]." (Avot 3:18). Every man is fellow man to every other man, or is "thy brother." The fatherhood of the one God implies the brotherhood of all men, which generates the concept of universal morality. It has been suggested that the well-known passage in Leviticus, usually translated "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, I am the Lord," [this verse] should be interpreted, "Love thy neighbor; he is as thou [kamokah]," and in that "as thou" lies the full meaning of the commandment. The identification of justice with God projects God's infinity and absoluteness onto the concept of justice, removing it from the category of subjective reality and relativity. (See Psalms 89:5; 97:2, Genesis 18:19 and Jeremiah 23:5). (Continued at [[EXOD673]] Exodus 22:21 widow SPERO 126)


Source KeySPERO
Source Page(s)125-6
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