154 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Leviticus, Kedoshim (Leviticus 19:1–20:27), Source Book Keys, AMJV LEVITICUS | 19:16 basely — LEV464 … there is a general obligation upon every... LEV464 … there is a general obligation upon every Jew to help anyone in trouble. Thus, one verse prohibits a Jew from standing by and doing nothing when someone's life is in danger, and another verse obligates a person to return any lost object that once belonged to someone. (In Judaism this is an obligation, not a mere good deed [this verse, Deuteronomy 22:2]). This obligation to help anyone in danger was codified into Jewish law, and it requires a Jew to help anyone in a life-threatening situation or even in ordinary trouble (Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 426:1). Share Print Source KeyAMJVVerse19:16Keyword(s)baselySource Page(s)99 Switch article LEVITICUS | 19:16 basely — LEV463 It was due to the intolerance and disrespe... Previous Article LEVITICUS | 19:16 blood — LEV465 The ideal man, says the Psalmist (xv. 3. C... Next Article