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LEVITICUS | 19:16 basely — LEV463 It was due to the intolerance and disrespe...

LEV463 It was due to the intolerance and disrespect of Talmud scholars for each other that the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died, and the Jewish people today commemorate this great loss with a thirty-three day period of mourning between Passover and Shavout (Yevamot 62b). Judaism does not just believe in platitudes and declarations of its values. Rather, it puts these ideas of tolerance and respect for others into practice on an everyday level. This is the reason that it is forbidden to ignore the plight of a Jew in trouble or ignore even the lost object of someone else by passing by and not picking it up. The Jew is commanded to show respect and tolerance of others by helping and returning lost objects, no matter who are the owners [this verse, Deuteronomy 22:1-3].


Source KeyAMJV
Source Page(s)352
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