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EXODUS | 23:7 distance — EXOD828 There are [those who are not] entrenched ...

EXOD828 There are [those who are not] entrenched in lying but who are also not concerned about keeping their distance from it. If the opportunity arises, they will lie, though often they will lie in a joking manner or the like without any ill intent. Nonetheless, the wisest [of all men] has instructed us that all of this is contrary to the will of the Creator, blessed be He, and to the virtue [found among] his pious. This is what is written (Mishlei 13:5): "The righteous hate false words." It is in reference to this that the following prohibition was issued [this verse]: "You shall distance yourself from a falsehood." And note that does not say "safeguard yourself from falsehood" but rather "distance yourself from falsehood" – – to make us aware how much we need to distance ourselves and flee to escape this. And it has already been stated (Tzefanyah 3:13): "The remnant of Israel should do no iniquity, nor speak falsely, nor should there be found in their mouths a deceiving tongue."


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