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GENESIS | 27:15 best — GEN1241 They [our Sages] said Shabbat 10a:...

GEN1241 They [our Sages] said Shabbat 10a: “Rava put on expensive socks before praying, saying “Prepare yourself [adorn yourself – Rashi] before your God, O Israel” Amos 4:12.  Our Rabbis of blessed memory further said Genesis Rabbah 65:16, on [this verse] [that] “Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said: “I used to serve my father in soiled clothes, but Esav, when he served his father, served him only in clothes of royalty.” Now it this is the case regarding a creature of flesh and blood it must apply with far greater force to the King of all kings, the Holy One blessed be He; before Whom one should stand in prayer dressed in clothes of honor, and before Whom one should sit the way one sits before a great king.   PATH 126


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