186 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28:9), Source Book Keys, PLYN GENESIS | 27:15 best — GEN1240 A person should consider it an honor to s... GEN1240 A person should consider it an honor to serve his parents. The Midrash Genesis Rabbah 65:16 states that Aisav’s coveted garments were the one’s he seized from Nimrod after having killed him. Aisav wore these regal garments whenever he served his father. Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel said, “I served my father my entire life, but I did not reach even one percent of the level of honor with which Aisav served his father. I wore soiled garments when I served my father and wore clean garments when I went outside. When Aisav served his father, he wore only regal garments. He felt that it was improper to attend his father wearing any attire other than his very best.” PLYN 96 Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse27:15Keyword(s)bestSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 27:15 best — GEN1241 They [our Sages] said Shabbat 10a:... Previous Article GENESIS | 27:18 went — GEN1242 Even in instances where lying can be just... Next Article