167 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN GENESIS | 18:8 ate — GEN928 To be ethically-minded is to be pure in th... GEN928 To be ethically-minded is to be pure in the eyes of God Numbers 32:22; avoiding the slightest breath of suspicion Chullin 44b and being always pleasant Ketubot 17a and respectful of another’s views. In the words of Derekh Eretz Zuta – he must not be “awake among those who sleep, or asleep among those who are awake; not weeping when others laugh, or vice versa; not sitting when others stand, or vice versa; not learning aloud, when others re reading quietly, or the reverse”. In general, he will not be awkward or angular in the company of others. He will be considerate of others. When the three angels visited Abraham in his tent they ate and drank with him, though it was not their custom so to do [this verse] When Moses ascended on high he did not eat for forty days and nights, for such was the custom in heaven. Exodus 34:28 LEHRMAN 279-80 Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse18:8Keyword(s)ateSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 18:7 lad — GEN926 A person should train his children to do <... Previous Article GENESIS | 18:8 ate — GEN927 R. Tanchum b. Chanilai said: “One should n... Next Article