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GENESIS | 18:7 lad — GEN926 A person should train his children to do <...

GEN926 A person should train his children to do chesed.  Rashi cites the Midrash Genesis Rabbah 48:13 which identifies the lad as Yishmael, and that Avraham gave him the calf in order to train him fulfilling mitzvos.  The Chofetz Chayim writes that from here we see that a person should not only do chesed himself, but should also educate and train his children to do acts of kindness. Ahavas Chesed, part 2, ch.3.   The Chofetz Chayim was strongly against the practice which was instituted in some cities whereby the poor could only apply for a donation from a single community fund, and were forbidden to go collecting from house to house.   Besides the fact that in this way the poor might receive a smaller amount of money than they might otherwise received, there is another aspect which is very detrimental.   If the poor do not knock on the doors of private homes, children will not be aware of the mitzvah of giving tzedakah (charity).   Michtevai Chofetz Chayim, Dugman Midarkai Avi, p.8.   PLYN 68


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