236 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, WAGS GENESIS | 18:3 please — GEN906 Perhaps the most elemental obligation of <... GEN906 Perhaps the most elemental obligation of hachnassas orchim is to make a guest feel good about accepting the hospitality offered to him. He should be made to understand that he is the real benefactor – he enables the host to merit in the fulfillment of the mitzvah. Ralbag writes that this may be inferred from [this verse]. In addition, the Midrash Leviticus Rabbah 34:10 says, “More than the host benefits the poor person, the poor person benefits the host.” WAGS 177-8 Share Print Source KeyWAGSVerse18:3Keyword(s)pleaseSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 18:3 please — GEN910 What is signified by “Do not depart”? ... Previous Article GENESIS | 18:4 let — GEN911 It was taught in the forum of R. Yismael: ... Next Article