178 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-GEN GENESIS | 18:3 please — GEN910 What is signified by “Do not depart”? ... GEN910 What is signified by “Do not depart”? He saw the Holy One Blessed be He standing in the doorway, and when the Holy One Blessed be He saw him tying and untying his bandages, He said: “It is not proper to stand here like this.” And in this regard it is written: “Do not depart from your servant” Baba Metzia 86b TEMIMAH-GEN 80 Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-GENVerse18:3Keyword(s)pleaseSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 18:3 please — GEN908 R. Yehudah said in the name of Rav: “Accom... Previous Article GENESIS | 18:3 please — GEN906 Perhaps the most elemental obligation of <... Next Article