188 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN GENESIS | 3:19 sweat — GEN426 The poverty of Hillel was proverbial. He w... GEN426 The poverty of Hillel was proverbial. He was a charcoal-burner who spent more than half of his meager earnings to be admitted to the academy of the great teachers Shemaiah and Abtalyon. A similar profession was followed by R. Joshua who lived in a house the walls of which were begrimed from his work. Berachot 28a R. Johanan, a shoemaker; Avot 4:14 R. Judah, a baker Jerusalem Talmud, Chullin 2:1; Abba Saul was a kneader of dough Pesachim 34a as well as a grave-digger. Niddah 24b. All these translated into reality the advice God gave to Adam: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread” [this verse]. They sincerely believed that “idleness leads to lewdness: lewdness to mental instability” Ketubot 5:5 They emphasized that “great is work, for it honours the workman” Nedarim 49b; that Torah is good only when it is combined with a trade; for only the practice of both leaves man little time for sin. Avot 2:2 LEHRMAN 230 Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse3:19Keyword(s)sweatSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 3:19 sweat — GEN427 To our sages, the best of all possible wor... Previous Article GENESIS | 3:19 sweat — GEN424 Most people go to work primarily in order ... Next Article