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GENESIS | 3:19 sweat — GEN427 To our sages, the best of all possible wor...

GEN427 To our sages, the best of all possible worlds would be one in which we did not have to support ourselves and our loved ones, but could devote our lives to the study of Torah. Jewish folklore similarly fantasizes about studying with Moshe Rabbenu, Moses, our Teacher, in the world to come. Yet in this world, where we must produce our bread "with the sweat of our brows" [this verse], most of us are able to devote only a few precious moments in our hectic schedules to a little Torah. Apparently that is not a new problem. A custom arose among eleveth-century French Jews of Rashi's time to include a "bare-bones" minimum of study text that each Jew would recite at the start of the daily early morning service. One's obligation to fulfill the commandment of Torah study is thus satisfied with three verses from the Torah and two rabbinic passages (T. Ber. 11b). Let us see how even this pittance of education helps to shape our lives. (Continued at [[NUM50]] Numbers 6:24 Lord BOROJMV 255). 


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