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GENESIS | 3:14 cursed — GEN400 A parable: A king once met a desirer and a...

GEN400 A parable: A king once met a desirer and an envier walking together on the road and said to them, “Let one of you ask for something and it will be given him, and the other will get twice as much.”  The envier did not want to ask first, envying his friend a double portion, and the desirer desired the double portion.  Finally, the desirer pressed the envier to ask first – whereupon he asked that they gouge out one of his eyes and both of his friend’s eyes!  How many evils proceed from envy! The primal serpent envied Adam and brought death to the world; and it was decreed upon him: “You shall walk upon your stomach and you shall eat dust.”  See also what happened to Cain, Korach, Bilam, Do’eg, Achitofel, Gechazi, Adoniah, Avshalom, and Uzziahu – who desired what was not theirs.  Not only did they not gain what they desired, but they lost what they possessed. Sotah 9b.  All of this should teach one to separate himself from envy and desire.  Let him reflect: If even what he has is not his, for on the morrow it may be gone, then what avails him, that is not his! Concerning this it is written Proverbs 27:1 “For you do not know what the day will bring.”  TZADIK 275


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