197 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-GEN GENESIS | 3:14 cursed — GEN401 The Rabbis taught: “All who set their eyes... GEN401 The Rabbis taught: “All who set their eyes upon what is not theirs, what they desire is not given them, and what they possess is taken from them. For so we find with this primal serpent, who set his eyes upon what was not his. What he desired was not given him, and what he possessed was taken from him. The Holy One Blessed be He said: ‘I said: “Be king over every beast and animal” – and now: you are more accursed than any beast and any animal of the field. I said: “Walk upright” – and now: walk upon your belly. I said that he should eat the food of men – and now: let him eat dust. He said: ‘I shall kill Adam and Eve’ – and now: I shall place hatred between you and the woman” Sotah 9b TEMIMAH-GEN 23 Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-GENVerse3:14Keyword(s)cursedSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 3:14 because — GEN399 Perhaps the most striking instance of this... Previous Article GENESIS | 3:14 cursed — GEN400 A parable: A king once met a desirer and a... Next Article