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GENESIS | 3:1 any — GEN355 The yetzer hara (evil inclination) ...

GEN355 The yetzer hara (evil inclination) may (try to) make the laws against evil speech (lashon hara) seem so stringent that the person will begin to think that everything is considered lashon hara, leading him to conclude that it is impossible for a person to refrain from transgressing and still live normally.  He’ll think that he needs to completely disconnect himself from worldly matters in order to avoid lashon hara.  This tactic is similar to that employed by the sly Serpent, who said to Chavah, “Perhaps Hashem said you shouldn’t eat from any tree in the garden.”  [The Serpent suggested that Hashem’s prohibition was not limited to one tree, the Tree of Knowledge, but included all the other trees in Gan Eden as well.  This made Chavah feel that it was impossible to abide by Hashem’s commandment, which prompted her to sin by eating from the one tree whose fruit was actually prohibited.].  SEFER 19


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