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GENESIS | 2:25 shame — GEN354 The Sages have said [of this verse] “Intel...

GEN354 The Sages have said [of this verse] “Intellect is shame and shame is intellect.”  And they did not known the way of modesty nor have the ability to discriminate between good and evil until they ate from the Tree of Knowledge Genesis 3:7.  Thus, all living creatures, with the exception of man, do not have shame, not having wisdom.  And all who are wise of heart known the value of intellect and wisdom through which one attains to a knowledge of truth, and also an acknowledgment of the Oneness of his Creator, Blessed is He, and to His Divine service, and by means of which one may attain to the rank of anger.  And since the quality of wisdom is so great, it must be paralleled in greatness by its related trait, that of shame.  … One should exert himself to conduct himself in accordance with this noble trait and employ wisdom in cultivating it until it is implanted in his soul, to enthrone it above all his impulses, and to regard it as more important than his other traits, for through it one attains most of the virtues and guards himself against all unseemly traits.  TZADIK 81


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