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GENESIS | 1:31 very — GEN200 We, the people of the holy Torah, we belie...

GEN200 We, the people of the holy Torah, we believe that the Lord created everything as His wisdom directed, and that He created nothing that was ugly or shameful.  Were we to maintain that sex is obscene, we would have to say that organs of generation are obscene.  But this cannot be, for the Lord, may His Name be exalted, created them, as it is said, “Has He not made you and established you?” Deuteronomy 32:6. And the Sages said in the Talmud Hullin 56b that G- d created man so that only in this manner can he perpetuate himself and survive.  And the Midrash (to Koheleth 2:12) teaches that G- d and His heavenly court, as it were, considered each organ of man and had to approve it before creation.  Were the sex organs dishonorable, how would the Lord have created anything faulty or blemished or contemptible? Did not Moses say of Him that “the Rock—His work is perfect” Deuteronomy 32:4? And did we not learn that “and God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good” [this verse]?  GOODSOC 105


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