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GENESIS | 1:31 very — GEN195 For man to be man he must maintain the del...

GEN195 For man to be man he must maintain the delicate tension between self and society, between personal privacy and public relationships.  Mediating between them is the family. Judaism is concerned with all three aspects of man’s existence. It addresses itself to the question of his psychic and spiritual life, his dignity and destiny.  But its major concern is with the quality of man’s relationships to the world around him, and these are usually developed within the family.  This emphasis on family and community may best be understood in terms of the way Judaism treats the very beginnings of man.  The Bible offers two accounts of creation, each giving a complementary insight.  In the first, a rather general report, things are created day after day until we come to man, who is seen as part of the natural order.  True, he is singled out as created in the “image” and “form” of the Creator; but he is essentially accepted in his natural settings: his lust for power, his reproductive function, his hunger and his appetites. God commands him, “be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and master it” and rule over its creatures.  Within this context not only is man’s creation good, but … very good.  [this verse].  GOODSOC 4  [Comments continued at [[GEN310]] Genesis 2:18 not GOODSOC 4]


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