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GENESIS | 1:28 blessed — GEN132 When God created man, He left the task of ...

GEN132 When God created man, He left the task of moral perfection to man himself.  That is why the divine refrain “And He saw that it was good” that accompanies the other acts of Creation which sprang into life at the fiat of God, is significantly omitted when man was shaped in the likeness of his Creator.  For though the first chapter of Genesis concludes the six days of Creation and “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good”, this approval seems to be the work in general, and not specifically of man.  In fact, man is described a few chapters later (Genesis 8:21) as possessing “from his youth, an evil inclination.”  In this steep climb towards nobility, the ethics of Judaism, as presented in belief and action, will serve as competent guides.  To help man in his aim of becoming spiritually perfect, the Torah has outlined the unique design for living that we call Judaism.  LEHRMAN 3


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