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GENESIS | 1:27 male/female — GEN128 A man fulfills his duty to procreate, acco...

GEN128 A man fulfills his duty to procreate, according to Jewish law, when he produces one boy and one girl Mishnah Yevamot 6:6 (61b); Laws of Marriage 15:4; Shulchan Aruch Even Ha-Ezer 1:5, thus imitating the way that God created humans “male and female.” Because the Jewish tradition sees children as a great blessing, however, men were supposed to try to have as many children as possible, in fulfillment of two biblical verses---“God did not create it [the earth] a waste, but formed it for habitation” [Ecclesiastes 11:6] and “Sow your seed in the morning [that is, in your youth], and do not hold back your hand in the evening [that is, in later years].” [Isaiah 45:18]. Yevamot 62b and Mishneh Torah, Laws of Marriage [Ishut] 15:16 encourage as many children as possible on the basis of Isaiah 45:18 and Ecclesiastes 11:6]. (By Elliot N. Dorff) OXFORD 314


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