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DEUTERONOMY | 32:47 empty — DEUT1709 The explanation of "one who treats the T...

DEUT1709 The explanation of "one who treats the Torah with impudence" [Sanhedrin 99a] is as follows: one who audaciously speaks untruths about the Torah, and says, "these pesukim and narratives written in the Torah serve no purpose." Out of arrogance and conceit he tells himself, upon failing to grasp the inner nature of those things, that they hold nothing beneath the surface. The pasuk says [this verse] "For it is not an empty thing for you," and our Sages, z"l, interpreted (Yerushalmi Kesubos 8:11), "If it is empty -- it is so for you," because you do not know how to explain the matter.[I.e., if you find emptiness in the Torah, it is due to your own ignorance.] (Continued at [[GEN1042]] Genesis 18:26 sake GATES 315).


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