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DEUTERONOMY | 32:28 discernment — DEUT1697 (Continued from [[GEN1379]] Genesis 32:1...

DEUT1697 (Continued from [[GEN1379]] Genesis 32:13 said GATES 107) So, too, over their deficiencies in serving Hashem; one is counted guilty and blamed over this [failing] as he would be for the gravest of sins, as our Sages, z"l, said (Yerushalmi Chagigah 1:7), "HaKadosh Baruch Hu was willing to overlook the sins of illicit relations and murder, but He was not willing to overlook the sin of the neglect of Torah [study]." [Rabbeinu Yonah is referring to the overall fulfillment of the Divine will as reflected and manifest through Torah study. As such, the concern is not adequately serving Hashem and the neglect of Torah study are one and the same.] Surely [this should be so] for those who are filled with evil, whose primary thoughts and deeds deal with their physical wants and the vanities of the times [I.e., They should certainly be distraught and guilt-ridden over their feelings". Yet, their souls do not come to true fear [of Heaven]; to give serious thoughts about achieving this, within the inner chambers of their hearts [Yechezkel 8:12], at specific times, is beneath them. Torah is not a part of their daily concerns, and within their hearts soul–searching has been lost--they are a people bereft of counsel [this verse], and they are on the lowest moral plane.


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