178 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Haazinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52), Source Book Keys, TEMIMAH-DEUT DEUTERONOMY | 32:6 acquired — DEUT1672 R. Chanina b. Pappa said: If one derives... DEUT1672 R. Chanina b. Pappa said: If one derives benefit from this world without a blessing, it is as if he would rob the Holy One Blessed be He and the congregation of Israel, as it is written (Proverbs 28:24): "One who robs his father and mother and says that it is not a sin is a companion to the destroyer," "his father" being the Holy One Blessed be He, as it is written: "Is He not your father, who acquired you?" (Berachoth 35b) Share Print Source KeyTEMIMAH-DEUTVerse32:6Keyword(s)acquiredSource Page(s)372 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 32:5 perverse — DEUT1671 See [[GEN805]] Genesis 13:13 sinners GAT... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 32:6 endure — DEUT1673 [Continued from [[DEUT918]] Deuteronomy ... Next Article