221 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Haazinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-32:52), Source Book Keys, DUTIES DEUTERONOMY | 32:4 perfect — DEUT1670 Since it is impossible to perceive the C... DEUT1670 Since it is impossible to perceive the Creator through the senses, the only way we can perceive Him is through truthful tradition or through proofs of Him that are drawn from evidence of His works. Since we are indeed served by such proofs from the signs of His works in the created things-- and His works are exceedingly numerous-- there are, as a result, numerous attributes ascribed to Him. The prophets and the pious have described Him in different ways. Moshe, our Master, said: “The Rock, His deeds are perfect, for all His ways are just” (Devarim 32:4); “He is God of Gods and Master of masters, the great, mighty, and awesome God... He executes justice for the orphan and widow, and He loves the stranger” (ibid. 10:17-18). God, May He be exalted, in describing His own attributes, said: “God, God, a God merciful and kind, slow to anger, abounding in love and truth. He keeps love for thousands [of generations], forgiving sin, rebellion, and transgression. He clears [the repentant]; He does not clear [the unrepentant]” (Shemos 34:6-7). The proof for all these attributes is in the traces of His handiwork in His creations, in the wisdom and power manifest in His works. Share Print Source KeyDUTIESVerse32:4Keyword(s)perfectSource Page(s)139-41 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 32:4 perfect — DEUT1669 See [[DEUT1580]] Deuteronomy 29:28 hidde... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 32:5 perverse — DEUT1671 See [[GEN805]] Genesis 13:13 sinners GAT... Next Article