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DEUTERONOMY | 29:28 hidden — DEUT1579 The acts that, to be perfected, must be ...

DEUT1579 The acts that, to be perfected, must be wholly devoted to God when they are performed are the acts of worship, through which we hope to attain God's favor, namely, all the observable duties, performed with the limbs. In these, one’s aim in doing them might be something other than for the sake of God. One’s aim might be to adorn himself with them before other people, and to be honored and praised by people for having performed them. It is impossible, however, to curry favor or gain honor and praise by fulfilling any of the duties of the heart, because people do not know what is in one's heart. Rather, one intends them for the sake of the One Who observes, namely, the Creator alone, as it says: “I, God, search the heart and test the mind” (Yirmeyahu 17:10); “The hidden things belong to Hashem our God” (Devarim 29:28).


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