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DEUTERONOMY | 28:65 angry — DEUT1560 Anger is an evil trait. Just as scurvy i...

DEUT1560 Anger is an evil trait. Just as scurvy is a disease of the body, so anger is a disease of the soul. Our Sages have said (Nedarim 22a): "If one gets angry, all the varieties of Gehinnom rule over him, as it is written (Koheles 11:10): 'Remove anger from your heart, and remove evil from your flesh,' and evil is nothing other than Gehinnom, as it is written (Mishlei 16:4): 'Hashem made everything for His own sake, and even the wicked man for the day of evil.' What is more, he is affected by piles, as it is written [this verse]: 'And Hashem will give you there an angry heart and failing eyes and despondency of soul.' What is it that causes the eyes to fail and the soul to despond – piles." Our Sages have further said (Nedarim 22b): "If one gets angry, even the Shechinah is of no account to him as it is written (Tehillim 10:4): 'The wicked man, when his anger grows, [says that] He will not inquire [after My deeds]. All his thoughts are that there is no God.' And he also forgets his learning and growth in folly, as it is written (Koheles 7:9): 'For anger resides in the breast of fools,' and (Mishlei 13:16): 'And the fool will spread out folly.' And it is known that his sins are more than his merits, as it is written (ibid 29:22): 'And the man of anger is abundant in sin.'" And his punishment is very great, as it is written (ibid. 19:19): "He who waxes in anger bears his punishment."


Source KeyTZADIK
Source Page(s)235
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