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DEUTERONOMY | 28:58 Name — DEUT1554 (Continued from [[LEV379]] Leviticus 19:...

DEUT1554 (Continued from [[LEV379]] Leviticus 19:14 curse GATES 225-7). Our Sages said (Shevuos 35a) that one who curses his fellowman or himself with Hashem's Name is punishable with lashes. Furthermore, his punishment administered by Heaven is very severe, as the pesukim say [this and next verse]; [Although the Gemara in Temurah (3b) states that "plagues" means the punishment of lashes administered by beis din, Rabbeinu Yonah appears to include the simple meaning of the word as well, which implies Heavenly punishment (Zeh Hasha'ar). Alternatively, he could be referring to the end of the pasuk, "...and severe and persistent illnesses."]. Our Sages, z"l, explained (Temurah 3b) that this pasuk is referring to one who curses another individual or himself using Hashem's Name.


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