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DEUTERONOMY | 26:11 enjoy — DEUT1484 The Mishnah (Bikkurim iii) which glowing...

DEUT1484 The Mishnah (Bikkurim iii) which glowingly records the joyous procession of those bringing the first-fruits between Shavuot and Sukkot into the Temple where they recited the prayer of gratitude (Deuteronomy xxvi. 1-11), stipulates that if the first-fruits were tardily brought after the termination of Sukkot, no such recitation was allowed. Why? One should not wait for the last moment before discharging dues. Man must give according to his means, not according to his meanness. The classic Biblical example of such meanness in giving is to be found in the story of Cain and Abel (Genesis iv. 1-15). There we are told that Cain brought some "fruit of the ground as an offering unto the Lord", but Abel "brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof". (Genesis iv. 3-4). "The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and his offering, He had not respect". (Genesis iv. 4-5). Had mankind learned the moral of this story from the beginning, it would have been spared much suffering. It would seem, however, that though man is gradually making the earth yield its secret weapons of destruction, such as the atomic and hydrogen bomb, he has not yet learned the elementary truths of the sanctity of life and the need for kindliness. Mankind has climbed the mountains of scientific discoveries but its soul it has left in the valley below. For it spends most of its energies in acquiring goods but not the good. When will mankind learn that there are no pockets in the shrouds in which we are clothed when our eyes are closed?


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