159 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Shoftim (Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9), Source Book Keys, LEHRMAN DEUTERONOMY | 20:19 destroy — DEUT1006 (Continued from [[LEV125]] Leviticus 11:... DEUT1006 (Continued from [[LEV125]] Leviticus 11:44 sanctify LEHRMAN 73-4) It is a natural step from not being allowed to injure peace of mind by deprivation due to religious considerations, to the other demand of the halachah. This is, not to destroy anything even if it belongs to us -- not to mention if such destruction involves the property of another. This principle is known as bal tashit and is based on the provision in [this and following verse]. ... From this prohibition against destroying anything potential of serving a good purpose, it follows that none has a right to squander his fortune. Even for charitable causes is such uncontrolled action forbidden if the result of this excess philanthropy be that the distributor of his wealth now becomes a burden to society. Charity, too, has a limit beyond which it is not wise to go. "Let him who distributes his possessions to charity not distribute more than one fifth thereof, lest he himself become dependent on others for support" says a Rabbi. The reluctance with which the Jew regarded dependence on the bounty of another can be gauged from the prayer he utters at the conclusion of each meal: "We beseech thee, O Lord our God, let us not be in need either of gifts of mortals or of their loans, but only of Thy helping hand, which is full, open, holy and ample: so that we may not be ashamed nor confounded forever and ever." (Singer's Prayer Book, p. 281) (Birkat Hamazon) Share Print Source KeyLEHRMANVerse20:19Keyword(s)destroySource Page(s)74 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 20:19 destroy — DEUT1009 Saadya Gaon wrote that "The only reason ... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 20:19 destroy — DEUT1012 This prohibition against destroying frui... Next Article