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DEUTERONOMY | 20:19 destroy — DEUT1007 [This verse]. We have been admonished he...

DEUT1007 [This verse]. We have been admonished herein not to cut down any fruit trees, even for building [what is necessary] to besiege [an enemy], as long as sufficient non-fruit bearing trees can be found. We have also been admonished not to squander money, not even what involves [only] a perutah's worth. Concerning this, our Sages said (Bava Kama 91b), "One who unduly rents his garments over his dead is administered lashes." This surely applies to one who out of anger shatters utensils, for he has done two wrongs: he has destroyed something of value, and he has allowed his anger to rule [over him,] leading to his violating words of Torah--from here on a war rages within him, due to the yetzer of anger, as it drives him to transgress halachah, as the pasuk says (Mishlei 29:22), "A man of wrath is full of iniquity." We have already invoked for you [the First Gate, paragraph 38] the words of our Sages, z"l (Shabbos 105b): if you see a person who shatters utensils out of anger, regard him as if he had committed idolatry, for this is the way of the yetzer hara – – today it tells him, "Do this," and tomorrow and tells him, "Serve idols."


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