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DEUTERONOMY | 17:17 wives — DEUT899 (Continued from [[LEV108]] Leviticus 11:2...

DEUT899 (Continued from [[LEV108]] Leviticus 11:29 unclean 809-11). The permitted. There are also three ways of [partaking of] the permitted things left to our discretion. The first [way] is partaking [only] of food that is not consumed for pleasure, [food] without which one could not live or continue to exist. The second [way] is partaking of permitted food in a [more] liberal fashion, aiming for moderation in pleasure without extravagance or profligacy-- for example, by meeting [basic] needs with good bread and finely prepared dishes, by drinking good wine in moderation. The same applies to dress, living accommodations, and other needs. The third [way] is overindulging in permitted pleasures purely for the sake of luxury. This leads one to forbidden pleasures and keeps him from performing the duties he owes God, as it says: “Lest he quaff and forget that which is decreed” (Mishlei 31:5). You should practice abstinence from the permitted pleasures, my brother, to the best of your ability, so that you come to regard them as in the same class with the pleasures that are forbidden to you. Otherwise, you may forsake the Torah and neglect your duty. You know what the Creator, may He be exalted, commanded the king when He said: “He should not have many wives” (Devarim 17:17); “Only he should not have many horses” (ibid. 17:16); and as it says (Nechemyah 13:26): “Did not Shelomo, King of Israel, sin on account of these?... The foreign women caused even him to sin”-- this despite his powerful intellect, vast knowledge, and great stature.


Source KeyDUTIES
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