238 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Re'eh (Deuteronomy 11:26–16:17), Source Book Keys, CHINUCH DEUTERONOMY | 12:14 offerings — DEUT560 Bring all offerings in the Beis HaMikdash... DEUT560 Bring all offerings in the Beis HaMikdash. Since the world has been given a special place where offerings are to be brought, and people constantly come there to seek Hashem, that place has a special sanctity. Hashem desires it and constantly showers great blessing upon it. Also, people’s hearts fill with awe and soften at the mere mention of this place, and when their eyes behold it, they repent their sins and return what they stole or extorted. Even were it possible to bring offerings elsewhere, the aforementioned blessing would not be present. This explanation is addressed to children, until they mature and acquire wisdom, which will enable them to understand in all of the words of the Torah deep and sublime concepts. Share Print Source KeyCHINUCHVerse12:14Keyword(s)offeringsSource Page(s)291 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 12:12 slaves — DEUT559 See [[LEV1093]] Leviticus 25:45 property ... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 12:15 redeem — DEUT561 When an offering suffers a blemish, redee... Next Article