161 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Deuteronomy, Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25), Source Book Keys, AHAVCH DEUTERONOMY | 11:22 ways — DEUT550 We may also assert that the most desirabl... DEUT550 We may also assert that the most desirable of all ends is for man to be worthy to remain in God's presence and to enjoy the effulgence of the Shechina. This is the true state of bliss, the greatest of all pleasures. Yet, whether man merits it depends upon whether he clings to God with all his might while he is still alive, as it is written [this verse], "To cling to Him," which means to cling to His attributes. Chazal have so declared: During all his days, man should urge himself on to acquire the Divine attributes, which are directed to goodness and kindness only. Then he will deserve to remain eternally before God and to "satisfy his soul in drought," as it is written, (Micah 7:18) "since He delights in chesed." This would not be true if his attitude in life was to be opposed to helping his fellow man, to act contrary to the ways of God. How could such a person deserve to be close to God in the end? This is indeed the idea expressed by the Gemara (Eruvin 86a): "Rava bar Mari expounded the verse (Ps. 61:8), 'May the world exist before God; kindness (chesed) and truth (emeth) shall sustain it.' Share Print Source KeyAHAVCHVerse11:22Keyword(s)waysSource Page(s)83-4 Switch article DEUTERONOMY | 11:22 ways — DEUT548 "R. Yochanan b. Zakkai and R. Yehoshua b.... Previous Article DEUTERONOMY | 11:22 ways — DEUT549 See [[EXOD1022]] Exodus 34:6 compassionat... Next Article