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DEUTERONOMY | 10:21 deeds — DEUT485 "So that he will not feel superior to his...

DEUT485 "So that he will not feel superior to his brethren." [Devarim 17:20]. We have been admonished herein to remove from within ourselves the trait of haughtiness, and one who is of greater stature should not take pride over one who is beneath him. Even a king must not feel superior to his brethren; although he must conduct himself in the manner of nobility [Bemidbar 16:13], yet he must humble his spirit [See Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Melachim 2:6]. Arrogance is one of the more severe transgressions, leading to the loss and destruction of one's soul, as the pasuk says (Mishlei 16:5), "Every prideful heart is the abomination of Hashem." Of what assistance are one's monetary acquisitions, affluence, and lofty treasures [presumably this refers to spiritual accomplishments (Zeh Hasha'ar)] if now that he is loathsome and detested [Iyov 15:16; I.e. before Hashem] the lofty heights of his greatness lie deeper than She'ol? A wise person should praise himself only for serving Hashem, fearing Him, trusting in Him, loving Him, and for his deveikus [attachment -- AJL] to Him, as the pasuk says [this verse], "He is your praise, and He is your God." In addition, the pasuk says (Yirmeyahu 9:22-23), "Let not the wise man praise himself for his wisdom… Rather, he who praises himself may praise himself for this: [for] contemplating and knowing Me."


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