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DEUTERONOMY | 10:20 cling — DEUT476 All that we have written above applies ev...

DEUT476 All that we have written above applies even if one speaks disparagingly of another person in private. However, if one joins a group of unscrupulous baalei lashon hara in order to tell them derogatory information about another person or in order to listen to their lashon hara, then he also transgresses the mitzvah of וּבֹ֣ו תִדְבָּ֔ק “And to Him you shall cling" (Devarim 10:20). Chazal (Kesubos 111b) explain that this mitzvah obligates us to associate with talmidei chachamim in every possible way and constantly be in their company. One should even eat and drink with talmidei chachamim, do business with them, and attach himself to them any way he can, in order to learn from their ways. Consequently, someone who does the opposite of this and associates with a group of wicked people certainly transgresses this commandment.


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